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Finite-Element Analysis


Engineering Mechanics Research Corporation

EMRC's state-of-the-art program, NISA II has extensive linear andnonlinear analysis features for static, dynamic, and heat transferanalysis.Element types available include stress, strain, axisymmetric (symmetricor asymmetric loading), general shells, very thin shells, thick shells,solids, beams, gap and rigid elements (and MCP), layered compositeshells, sandwich shells (metal-foam-metal, composite-honeycomb-composite), and overlay single composite solid comprised of severallayers of solids (exact interlaminar shear and edge effect predicted).The highlights are extremely fast wavefront solution technique, andbuilt-in wavefront optimization and P-convergence.Nonlinear static analysis capabilities in NISA II include geometrical andmaterial nonlinearities with temperature-dependent material properties.In material nonlinearity, users can choose from various yield criteria,model specifications, and hardening rules.

Language: FORTRAN/C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: X11/PHIGS/CGI MC68881 FPC, FPA
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.2

Engineering Mechanics Research Corporation
1607 E Big Beaver Rd
Troy, MI 48083
Phone: (810) 689-0077
Fax: (810) 689-7479